Absolute joy!

I am so excited! Our first solo “away” run ( not home trails) with my Dax n’ Ahna team: two young dogs (19 months) no experienced leader, no other dogs to follow, no one out front.

Dax and Ahna – my DNA team! (Nordiclight’s Winter Dance – Dax, and Nordiclight’s Winter Song – Ahna) A Song and a Dance indeed!

They did such a great job: hooking up next to a major highway at morning get-to-work rush hour, running tight line all the way, steady trot when not a full out gallop, gee and haw on the ask and only one, well, o.k. 2 squirrel distractions but just hiccups – did not go off trail. And a major highway crossing! Love my doggies!

Praying to the sled dog gods for cold nights and chill mornings Onward into the winter sun. Go my doggies. Be still my heart. I have known joy!

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